How To Save Online Videos To Your Computer

There are many ways of saving the videos you watch online for later use. Remember anything you watch online is temporarily saved in your computer's temporary memory. So all we have to do is find those videos from temporary memory, note: the video files saved in your temporary memory wont stay for long and will have randomly generated file names without extension. So you will have to save your videos  right after streaming them online.

Assuming you have finished watching the videos online on YouTube, or, or metacafe ..etc and ur using Google chrome.
go to this location on your system :

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

USERNAME is your computers current username.

you will find different files like f_000078a , sort the files according to date modified so you will have the most recent file downloaded temporarily on the top of the list. use your brain and see for the file size, and to check double click and open the file with VLC and if its the video you are looking for then copy it to ur desired place and rename it and add [.flv] without brackets.


you can download this small utility software called video cache view from Nirsoft from Here
utility homepage here


suppose the movie link is :

you just need to remove "video/" from the link and replace it with "mobile/index.php?id=" without quotes
 so now the link : will become

open the link and you will see a mobile page and a "download video" button either click on that button if you dont have any download manager or right click on that button > copy link address> and paste it in your download manager.

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