'The Flash': Dr. Wells' secret revealed! Is He the Reverse Flash? Seems Like it!!!

"The Flash" sure knows how to hook in the audience to come back after hiatus. Finally, "The Man in the Yellow Suit" introduced Reverse Flash and also pointed out the likeliest suspect behind that mask.

After Barry fought Reverse Flash and lost, it was revealed that Harrison Wells has a Reverse Flash suit in his future closet. He uses a lightning bolt ring -- not unlike Flash's costume ring from the Silver Age of DC Comics. Wells' doesn't have the costume hidden in the ring, though. Instead he uses it to power another device that makes it materialize.

The natural conclusion to jump to is this means Wells is Reverse Flash, which fans have been wondering for a while. With Wells and Reverse Flash in the same room though -- and Reverse Flash laying a beating on the doctor -- the timeline is a bit messy.

That's nothing for Wells though, as there's been hints at time travel surrounding his character since the beginning. If Wells is Reverse Flash, did one of them come from the future? If he's not, then who is the speedy villain? One fan theory that's proving to be popular is that perhaps Eddie is Reverse Flash. Were that the case, he should have roughed himself up at least a little during that showdown with the Central City Police. Of course, there coule also be more than one Reverse Flash.

It was also revealed that two streaks were seen the night Barry's mom was killed, one red and one yellow. Reverse Flash takes care of the yellow but red could easily mean Barry also came back in time from the future to save his own mother. The idea that time travel is playing such an important role in the show is a fun one and something that will hopefully be explored in much greater detail throughout the rest of the season.

Barry lost this round to Reverse Flash, but lived to see another day thanks to the interference of Firestorm. After Caitlin saw Ronnie again for the first time, it was as heartbreaking as anyone could possible expect. Still, when needed he appeared. Firestorm may not want to play nice, but there's still a heart somewhere inside that metahuman.
Barry also finally admitted to Iris he was in love with her, though he clearly didn't expect anything back in return. After all, she's moving in Eddie. Still, it's good to have that out in the open and better than telling her he's The Flash.
Photo/Video credit: The CW
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